Style: Copperplate
Centered, Dropped Zip
Copperplate Flourished Capital in State: Staggered, Traditional Zip
Flourished Copperplate:
Staggered, Traditional Zip
Style: Nelson
Nelson: Centered, Dropped Zip
Style: Fajardo
Centered, Dropped Zip with Dots
Style: Italic
Italic: Left Justified, Traditional Zip
Style: linscott
Linscott: Centered, Dropped Zip
Style: Lower Case Italic
Lower Case Italic:
Centered, Dropped Zip with Dots
Style: Lower Case Whimsical
Lower Case Whimsical:
Staggered, Traditional Zip
(Can’t be centered)
Style: Modern Calligraphy
Modern Calligraphy:
Traditional Zip
(can’t be centered)
*centering and zip code placement can be changed on most styles
Photo Credit: Tessa Marie Studios